From Passion to Profession
My name is Wolfram Kampffmeyer. A am lucky enough to be the designer and creative mind behind Paperwolf. I studied Computer Animation at Filmakademie Baden-Wuerttemberg in Ludwigsburg, Germany.
Since I love to create virtual 3D models, it's even better to build them afterwards in real life - out of paper. Thats how my first paper model, the little big piggy, was created. It's so beautiful that I would like to share it with you - step in and have a look!
In November 2014 my work was featured on and and demand of my products increased so much that I wasn't able to produce all papercraft kits in time anymore. I even had to close my shops for weeks to catch up with the orders.
But I quickly scaled up my production pipe line and caught up with the growing demand.
In the past years, Paperwolf grew to be a reliable partner for the following services:
Creating custom designs for fair booth or exhibition stand, exhibitions, paper sculptures as exhibits for the museum or zoo, eye-catcher for your company. I also design polygonal papercraft kits for your advertisement flyer or postcard. My 3D designs can be made from all kinds of materials: Paper, Cardboard, wood, concret, plastic, metal, steal and corten steal, silver.
My clients: Citroen, Mercedes, Daimler, Avalara, DLD-Conference with Steffi Czerny, Gmund Papermill,, Schauwerk and Erco, German Rugs, Greenpeace, Konnex and Zoo Basel, Meyou Paris, Umbel (SxSW festival) Diesel Fashion, Nubikk, Dragon Days Festival.
Exponate für Museum, große geometrische und polygonale Skulpturen für Firmen, Objekte für Messestände, Blickfänger für den Eingangsbereich oder die Lobby. Kleine Bausätze, die auf einen Flyer passen und sich perfekt für Werbemailings oder Give-aways eignen. Ihr Kunde befasst sich automatisch mit Ihrer Marke, während er sich mit dem Bau eines faszinierenden Papiertieres beschäftigt.
More infos about Paperwolf
By Shop Wolfram KampffmeyerMeet Wolfram Kampffmeyer, a computer animator who creates 3D paper animal kits. The internet is talking about Paperwolf. Greenpeace Interview Etsy Blog Bored Panda Blog This is Colossal Press Pictures in high resolution In the past years, Paperwolf grew…
Paper Organ
By Shop Wolfram KampffmeyerPaperwolf's Paper Organ The next big project of Paperwolf: A fully working Paper Organ run by a big balloon. Learn more on my Facebook Page