From Passion to Profession
My name is Wolfram Kampffmeyer. A am lucky enough to be the designer and creative mind behind Paperwolf. I studied Computer Animation at Filmakademie Baden-Wuerttemberg in Ludwigsburg, Germany.
Since I love to create virtual 3D models, it's even better to build them afterwards in real life - out of paper. Thats how my first paper model, the little big piggy, was created.
It's so beautiful that I would like to share it with you - step in and have a look!
In November 2014 my work was featured on BoredPanda.com and ThisIsColossal.com and demand of my products increased so much that I wasn't able to produce all papercraft kits in time anymore. I even had to close my shops for weeks to catch up with the orders.
But I optimized my workflow and machines, working hard to fulfill all orders in light speed.
Customer Service is my hands, so you'll speak to me personally if you have any questions or custom orders.

In the Internet
Meet Wolfram Kampffmeyer, a computer animator who creates 3D paper animal kits.
The internet is talking about Paperwolf.